Study in Malaysia

Discover the Excitement 

Top 10 Reasons to Choose Malaysia as Your Study Destination

Are you nearing the end of your high school journey? Contemplating the next step in your education, perhaps even considering studying abroad? Look no further than Malaysia, nestled in the heart of Southeast Asia. With its vibrant culture, affordable living, and top-notch education system, Malaysia beckons international students with open arms. Let’s explore why Malaysia should be at the top of your list.

1. Affordable Education:

Malaysia offers high-quality education at a fraction of the cost compared to other countries like Australia, the UK, or the US. With both public and private universities providing excellent academic programs, pursuing your degree in Malaysia won’t break the bank.

2. Cost of Living

Living expenses in Malaysia are budget-friendly, allowing students to stretch their finances further. From accommodation to daily meals, you’ll find that your money goes a long way in this diverse and welcoming country.

3. Language Accessibility

While Bahasa Malaysia is the official language, English is widely spoken across the nation. This linguistic diversity ensures that international students feel right at home, facilitating easy communication and integration into Malaysian society.

4. Cultural Richness

Malaysia boasts a rich tapestry of cultures, with Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous influences harmoniously coexisting. Immerse yourself in festivals, traditions, and culinary delights that reflect this cultural mosaic.

5. Breathtaking Wildlife

With over 30 national parks and a treasure trove of biodiversity, Malaysia is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. From lush rainforests to pristine beaches, explore the country’s diverse ecosystems during your study breaks.

6. Safety and Peace

Ranked among the safest countries globally, Malaysia offers a secure environment for students to pursue their academic endeavors without worries. Enjoy peace of mind as you immerse yourself in this welcoming and inclusive society.

7. Tropical Climate

Say goodbye to cold weather and embrace Malaysia’s tropical climate, characterized by year-round sunshine. Whether you’re lounging on the beach or exploring the bustling city streets, the pleasant weather sets the perfect backdrop for your study abroad experience.

8. Independence

Studying abroad is not just about academics; it’s also a journey of personal growth and independence. Malaysia provides a supportive environment for students to spread their wings, learn essential life skills, and embark on new adventures.

9. Education Hub

As one of Southeast Asia’s leading education hubs, Malaysia attracts students from diverse backgrounds seeking top-tier education. Benefit from internationally recognized degree programs and world-class facilities offered by Malaysian universities.

10. Culinary Delights

Indulge your taste buds in Malaysia’s culinary wonders, where a melting pot of flavours awaits. From street food stalls to upscale restaurants, savour a diverse array of dishes that reflect the country’s multicultural identity.

Embark on Your Malaysian Adventure with Mantissa College

At Mantissa College, we are committed to providing a transformative educational experience that prepares students for success in a globalized world. Our comprehensive range of courses, led by experienced faculty, equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in their chosen fields.

Getting Started

Ready to embark on your study journey in Malaysia? At Mantissa College, students can choose from various business administration programs, including the prestigious DBA (Doctor of Business Administration), versatile MBA (Master of Business Administration), foundational BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), practical DiBA (Diploma in Business Administration), and language-enhancing CIEL (Certificate in English Language) courses.

How to Apply for visa

International students will require a ‘Student Pass,’ which is essentially a student visa to study in Malaysia. You’ll need to prepare the following:

  1. A copy of your passport
  2. Passport sized photograph
  3. Academic transcripts and relevant certificates.
Nice Food in Malaysia
A Farmosa Malaysia
Old KTM Station

Feed your tummy and your Instagram

Asian, Western, fusion, Mamak – you’ll never stay hungry in the city. Or if you like to feed your ‘gram, KL is littered with cafes that serve dishes worthy of a spot on your Instagram feed.

Immerse yourself in Malaysia Culture

Malaysia’s diverse culture fuels talent and creativity. Feed your wonder at the many exhibitions from arts and craft to theatre and comedy.

Score some hidden gems in your Instagram

Want that awesome feeling of owning something nobody else has? Start your hunt at one of the many markets around, from night markets to flea markets and bazaars.